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About Me

About CourtneySince my teen years I’ve been an avid traveler. From road trips to the Gulf and New Years Eve in Times Square, to cruises through the Caribbean and trips to Cancun. But when my brother called me up one afternoon and asked if I wanted to accompany him on a backpacking trip to Spain (an easy “yes!” from me), little did I know that the life I had been living was about to change forever.

I turned 23 in a little Spanish pub in Barcelona on St. Patty’s day weekend, surrounded by a language I had given up learning years before and immersed in a culture completely foreign to me. A drunken Spaniard clumsily placed a tall green hat upon my head, bought me a shot of absinthe and then disappeared into the crowded backdrop. I distinctly remember feeling very alive in that moment, amidst the music and broken English, as if something in me was waking up for the very first time.

Sure, it could have just been the absinthe, but there was no denying that the embers in me that had been smoldering for years were suddenly stoked into a flame I couldn’t ignore.

The Mediterranean Sea seemed so exotic to me and I was humbled by the beauty of the eastern mountain range that ran along it’s coastline. I peered, speechless, out of the window on a sleek steel train that carried me on a southern route cut between the two.

My heart was broken in a bull ring in Valencia as men smoked their cigars and children cheered.

My soul was soothed as I strolled through the courtyards of Seville, with it’s fragrant lemon and orange groves fermenting the air.

I breathed deep as I made my way through the maze of outdoor markets, street cafes and Flamenco dancers.

I knew then that traveling abroad was a part of who I was supposed to be.

I returned home somehow bigger than I once was, different and changed. Fitting back into my old life seemed impossible. It was very clear to me that I couldn’t go on living in the comfortable box I had known. I needed so much more.

Since then I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and I’m no where near stopping!

I’m here to tell you what’s great to have on hand for an unplanned rainy night on a park bench in Positano, to what unnecessary items you’re bound to leave on a mountain top while trekking El Camino de Santiago.

I’ll share with you how I managed a 6 month SE Asia backpacking trip with only 2600 dollars and had the absolute time of my life.

And if you stick around, I’ll do my best to cover everything in between! So get ready for some handy tips I’ve found to be trusted and true, and begin gearing up for your own next big adventure!

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May the thrill always be worth the risk!

– Courtney


Rania Masaeed April 16, 2018 - 11:12 am

Hello Courtney,
I love your website; it is amazing. I like the pictures, the theme, the content and the colors. You are a good writer and easily attract the attention of the readers.. Wishing you all the best!

Courtney April 16, 2018 - 11:19 am

Aw, thanks Rania!! I’m happy you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen here!

Preeti Gaur September 24, 2017 - 7:35 am

Hey Courtney,
You have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award 2017. To find out what to do now check out this post http://www.scenariooflife.com/2017/09/blogger-recognition-award-2017-my.html
I look forward to reading your post. 🙂

Courtney September 24, 2017 - 8:45 am

Thanks so much, Preeti! Looks like I have my work cut out for me today 🙂

Yesh August 14, 2017 - 9:51 am

Hi Courtney!

You write eloquently! I love the site and the content. I look forward to reading more about your adventures.

Courtney August 14, 2017 - 9:52 am

Thank you! Happy you’re enjoying it thus far! Come back often — I love to see a friendly face! 🙂

Courtney July 25, 2017 - 12:25 pm

My heart breaks for the bulls, too! Poor things! Love your story. Wish you many great travels ahead of you!

Courtney July 25, 2017 - 12:26 pm

Thanks so much, and you as well! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Rahel July 21, 2017 - 12:16 pm

Every morning when I wake up, the same thing comes up to my mind: I need to move as soon as I can.
I totally understand your point of view and love reading about experiences I cannot afford yet. But certainly will do in the future. Wish you all the best and you can be sure I’ll follow you on this site!

Courtney July 21, 2017 - 1:30 pm

Thank you, Rahel! I do hope you go on a few adventures yourself! Perhaps my post on how to save for travel could be of some assistance! You can check it out here. Cheers!

Alan June 20, 2017 - 12:22 am

Dear Courtney, I have grown to really appreciate your writing, not first, but definitely the writing. More than that, I appreciate your spirit. I guess the combination of the two things, the spirit and the writing, draws me back over and over. I am going to read your entire site and then eagerly wait for more. You flippin’ rock, Sis!

Courtney June 20, 2017 - 9:03 am

Thanks for the interest! Hope you continue to find something that appeals to you here!


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