Spend some time in Lisbon, and don’t get stuck in the rain!
I visited Lisbon (Lisboa) in late September, Portugal’s coastal capital. And although Portugal doesn’t technically have a “rainy” season – it sure did feel like it while I was there!
Spend some time in Lisbon, and don’t get stuck in the rain!
I visited Lisbon (Lisboa) in late September, Portugal’s coastal capital. And although Portugal doesn’t technically have a “rainy” season – it sure did feel like it while I was there!
Wine in Florence.
Pizza in Naples.
Beaches on the Almafi Coast.
Come embark on an adventure through Italy! One of the oldest and most romanticized countries in the world.
It was nearly 11pm as we weaved our way through the city, running red lights and narrowly missing pedestrians. A left here, a right there, deeper and deeper into the heart of Bangkok. The city lights a colorful blur of hot pinks and neon oranges and bright greens. Then the breaks squealed unexpectedly and I threw my hands out to catch myself as we came to a sudden stop.
Haggling is – at it’s most basic – bargaining. Persistently and without shame.
I have saved literally thousands of dollars by haggling and you can too!
The EmdMAK Doorstop Alarm is not to be scoffed at!
The SteriPEN Adventurer Opti UV Water Purifier pays for itself!
I bought my SteriPen before I left for Asia. I backpacked for 6 months and I used it practically on a daily basis. In that sort of climate you’ve got to hydrate, especially if you aren’t a native and your body isn’t used to the extreme heat.
Thousands of people crowd around in the dark. The day is already hot and it’s not even 5am yet.
“You buy? For sale, you buy?” a boy, maybe twelve, holds a few books in his hands… nothing more than pamphlets, really. I wave my hand in a universal, “No thank you” gesture and he moves on. The ear numbing clicking of cameras and the snapping of phone apps collide violently with the foreign songs of native birds that fill the surrounding trees and temples.
It wasn’t his movement that caught my eye – No, he wasn’t moving. He sat motionless. Stoic. Refined. As if he was a patriarch. Perhaps he was. Old and wise. A sensible creature, with depth and soul. I positioned myself in front of him, only a few feet away. He was unwavering. I lifted my camera, drew him into focus, and took the shot.
I’m not sure if you remember the days of lugging around a pouch of about ten different power adapters, but I sure do!